History of the castel

The initial construction phases of San Giorgio Castel date back to the twelfth century. It has undergone numerous changes over the centuries, eventually taking on its current polygonal shape in the middle of the sixteenth century. Pisa established itself in Lerici after the Battle of Giglio in 1241, fortifying the core of the Castleand the village. The reconquest of Lerici in 1256 and Pisa’s defeat in the Battle of Meloria (1284) marked Genoa’s supremacy in the Western Mediterranean. Over the centuries, the Castlehas maintained military functions, served as a prison, and housed notable prisoners.

Strategic importance

Located in a dominant position on the rocky promontory closing the bay of Lerici, the Castlehas been repeatedly reinforced and raised over the centuries, particularly during the “incamiciatura” (jacketing) in 1555, to withstand firearm attacks.

Historical curiosities

The archives mention several events and historical figures connected to the caSviluppo Turistico Lercie, including Andrea Doria’s choice in 1528 to switch alliances from France to Spain, changing the fate of Genoa. In the post-war period, it was used as a youth hostel, with the legendary figure of the custodian Madì (Maddalena Di Carlo). There are also several Latin inscriptions marking the most important historical moments.

Architectural elements

Il castello presenta caratteristiche architettoniche significative, come la torre, un elemento caratterizzante che domina il borgo, e la cappella di Santa Anastasia, un gioiello dell’arte gotica medievale. Le varie fasi costruttive del castello sono evidenziate dalle diverse tipologie di muratura.

Current use and accessibility

Since April 2022, San Giorgio Castle has been managed by Sviluppo Turistico Lerici. It has been transformed into a venue for art exhibitions, thus enhancing its value as a container of high historical, architectural, and cultural significance. Recently, the battlements have been reopened to the public, offering new visiting opportunities and an additional historical perspective. The panoramic terrace offers a spectacular view of the Gulf of Poets and other surrounding areas.

Audio guide

An audio guide is available to support the visit here +

Time table

The new 2024 schedule will soon be available.


Entrance ticket

Tariffe (in vigore dal 08/01/24)

Entrance ticket:

Full €6,00

Reduced €3,00

  • Over 65
  • Students of all levels


  • Residents of the Municipality of Lerici
  • People with disabilities and their companions
  • School group chaperones (max 2 per class)
  • 1 accompanying person per group (min 25 people)
  • Journalists with a card (in the exercise of their activity)
  • Critics and scholars authorized by the service manager for particular study, research, work attested by educational institutions, universities, academies, research and cultural institutes, representation visits for guests of the Municipality authorized by the Municipal Administration

Download the complete council resolution here (Comune di Lerici – SP (halleyweb.com))

For more information on schedules and rates, visit the dedicated page of LericiCoast »

Wedding and conference bookings

It is possible to book, subject to the calendar of exhibitions/events, the castle spaces for weddings and conferences.

For information and rates, contact ph. 0187/967840 or email info@stlerici.it


The elevator to the Castle is accessible from the San Giorgio gallery in Calata Mazzini every day from 08:00 to 01:00.

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